Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hotel Babylon by Anonymous

Anonymous is the manager of a 5-star London hotel, and has the stories to prove it. This quick read takes place in the time of a double shift – but enough goes on to account for months of the typical worker’s job. At some points in this book, I was so incredulous of the happenings that I literally laughed out loud. It seems that when people check in, they leave their reservations (no pun intended) at the revolving glass, gold-inlaid doors. Told with English wit that I find amusing regardless of topic, and a quick parade of characters, Hotel Babylon is a sneak peek into a decadent – and downright dirty – world most of us can only laugh at.

Co-author Imogen Edwards-Jones has since published Air Babylon and Fashion Babylon, which I am eagerly perusing. Also, Hotel Babylon was turned into a series show in England on BBC...which I will be searching out as soon as I can!


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